The following are available at various dates, times and locations. It is advisable that you be familiar with some of the features to be taught in the class upon signing up for the classes at a Friday meeting.
We cannot stress enough, PLEASE make every effort to sign up for only classes that you have an interest in and IF you sign up, you are expected to SHOW UP. Please have the courtesy to respond to the committee who is setting up the classes for the instructors.
Some of the lesson material is for your information in seeing what will be taught in the classroom. You will notice as you look at the material, without the instructions from the class instructor, you will be missing a lot of information. These class instructions, by no means, take the place of physically taking the class. In fact, if you notice, some of the class material is so lengthy, it cannot even be uploaded to this site.
Class material is updated yearly on an as needed basis. Be sure to check back regularly to see that you are looking at current class material.
We cannot stress enough, PLEASE make every effort to sign up for only classes that you have an interest in and IF you sign up, you are expected to SHOW UP. Please have the courtesy to respond to the committee who is setting up the classes for the instructors.
Some of the lesson material is for your information in seeing what will be taught in the classroom. You will notice as you look at the material, without the instructions from the class instructor, you will be missing a lot of information. These class instructions, by no means, take the place of physically taking the class. In fact, if you notice, some of the class material is so lengthy, it cannot even be uploaded to this site.
Class material is updated yearly on an as needed basis. Be sure to check back regularly to see that you are looking at current class material.
Some alternative suggestions for Office Documents have been made to you during Friday meetings. There are some good, reliable Free Downloads that you can use as an alternative to Microsoft Office. They are: LibreOffice and Kingsoft Office (now called WPS).
This year we will be adding some new "One Day Classes" as soon as we get the material ready and find instructors. If you have an interest in helping our club to move forward in this age of technology and you have the knowledge to share with us, we would appreciate you stepping forward to volunteer to either teach a class or monitor a class. We are always looking for new instructors and SIG Facilitators. You can contact the Chairman or Vice Chairman regarding teaching or sharing your knowledge by emailing us at the addresses provided on the Contact Us page.