SUPERCOM COMPUTER CLUB is run by and is dependent on its volunteers.
Whether you are a computer whiz or don’t even know how to turn on your computer or are somewhere in between, the club needs you.
Here are just a few of the areas where you might like to help out:
Whether you are a computer whiz or don’t even know how to turn on your computer or are somewhere in between, the club needs you.
Here are just a few of the areas where you might like to help out:
GREETER: to welcome people at the door for Friday meetings
HOST/HOSTESS: help serve cake, donuts and coffee, order and pick up cake and donuts INSTRUCTOR: to teach a program, app or skill etc. to a small class PRESENTER: to present a program, app, skill etc. to whole group at Friday meeting MONITOR: have basic computer skills and can help students navigate their computer while instructor is teaching. SIG COORDINATOR: to arrange a meeting place and host a group getting together to share what they each know or want to learn about a specific topic. GEEK: have enough computer knowledge to help others with their technical issues. The Tech Team makes several hundred technical calls each season. |
Here is a link to a description for each team. Contact any Officer after a Friday meeting to volunteer or get more information, or see the Club bulletin board in the main hallway.
Volunteers: Please keep track of your weekly hours and record them in the last column of the Friday morning sign-in sheet so they may be included in Club and individual totals. When you reach 10+ hours, you are eligible for a Gold Volunteer Badge.